Your Safety is Always Our Top Priority
At MetroHealth, we put you and your family’s well-being front and center. Even as we keep our patients and staff safe from COVID-19, we are also looking out for your health in the long term.
While it’s smart to stay home to avoid catching or transmitting the coronavirus, it’s also important to stay on top of your ongoing health care needs — and it’s always vital that you not ignore health emergencies or postpone preventive care. Your health is too precious to take for granted.
How we’re keeping you safe
To ensure your safety as we resume your health care, we’re taking every possible precaution when you visit MetroHealth. To learn more, click here to watch a short video.
Download the Keeping You Safe infographic
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At all campuses and health centers we are:
- Checking all patients and visitors for fever and respiratory symptoms
- Requiring everyone to wear a mask for the length of their visit
- Ensuring patients stay a safe distance from each other in waiting rooms and other areas
- Disinfecting all areas thoroughly and often
- Limiting visitors
- Asking that you come alone (unless the assistance of another adult is medically necessary or, if you’re a parent bringing a child to an appointment)
- Scheduling in-person visits only when it is the best option for you
- Continuing to use telehealth (video and telephone) options whenever possible
Go to an emergency room if necessary
MetroHealth Emergency Departments are ready to care for you if you are experiencing serious symptoms or are injured. We are taking extra precautions to ensure your safety, such as promptly screening patients upon entry; caring for patients with respiratory symptoms in areas separate from other patients; complying with social distancing seating in waiting areas; and requiring the use of masks for all staff and patients.
We are seeing patients in person again
We want you to get the best care possible, whether that’s by phone or video visit — or by seeing you in person. Call your doctor’s office or log in to your MyChart account to schedule your next visit today.
If you have questions or concerns about the coronavirus, please call our hotline 24/7 at 440-59-COVID (440-592-6843) or visit