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If you or a loved one has experienced pregnancy loss, you’re not alone. Nearly one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage, including early miscarriages that occur before someone knows they’re pregnant.

Pregnancy loss affects everyone involved. You, your partner, and your family and friends may experience a range of emotions—many of which will take time to work through. Keep in mind that how you respond to the pregnancy loss may look different than others around you. Everyone reacts to loss in their own way.

Talk about it.

Miscarriage and pregnancy loss can bring intense emotions for you and your partner. These feelings are normal, and it’s important to remember that people who have experienced pregnancy loss will go through hormonal shifts as their body transitions from being pregnant. These shifts can also intensify emotions.

At MetroHealth, we integrate Behavioral Health services at every step of your pregnancy journey. We believe mental health is integral to your overall health and well-being. So, if desired, we’ll connect you to a Behavioral Health provider to work through your emotions as you recover from pregnancy loss.

Stay in touch with your OB/GYN.

Your OB/GYN provider wants to walk alongside you in this difficult time. They will have advice to support you as you recover from pregnancy loss, and they can help guide you and your partner when it’s the right time to try to get pregnant again. And if it becomes clear that you need external support to become pregnant, they will connect to MetroHealth’s caring, supportive fertility services team.

Wherever you are on your pregnancy journey, know that MetroHealth is right there, too, ready to support you.